Kate Fowler's Fundraiser

Help Studio Two Three make their BIG MOVE to Manchester!
I need your help to make this big dream into a real thing, please give today!
We are fundraising for Studio Two Three's BIG MOVE and need your help!
As I prepare to celebrate by FOURTH anniversary at Studio Two Three (holy cow!!!), I'm launching a campaign to support our big-exciting-scary new endeavor.
The studio has been a second home, a safe haven, and a steady and kind source of support in a sea of big change–– giving me a full month off when my dad was dying so I could be by his side, giving me a raise at the drop of a hat when I went through separation so I could float my mortgage solo, showing up for August when he got diagnosed with Apraxia and putting his needs before any meeting or scheduling so I could take him to speech therapy 5 times a week. Big, huge, real tangible love and investment.
Last year we found a forever home for the studio and WE BOUGHT IT! Which is insane and wonderful. Now we are in the final leg of fundraising to finish renovations on the building so that we can finally pack up all of our old presses and printing gear and move our 180 artist members into the building of our dreams. We need $400,000 by the end of October to get everything done- shew!
If you love the studio, please donate! If you've never been to the studio but love me– please give to this place that's given so much to me and the people in my world.
Donations of any size have a HUGE impact! Please consider helping me meet my goal for Studio Two Three.